
‪The growth of the Asian population is imminent. In fact, a recent study has found that about 21 million Asians currently live in the United States, and their number has increased 3.4 between 2015 and 2016.


‪While Hispanics remain the largest minority in the U.S., the number of Asians is quite important. The Asian population began to beat the Spanish in terms of growth approximately in 2000.


‪At present, immigrants represent 26% compared with 23% of Asians in 2005. According to the Pew Center, by the year 2065, Asians will surpass the Hispanic population by 7%.

‪Experts at Pew explain that, nowadays, Mexico is not the country that sends more immigrants. China is. Actually, many Mexicans have returned home in recent years.

‪In this group of Chinese immigrants, there are many students who are interested in completing higher studies in the United States.