
The E2 Visa and the Most Popular Companies

E2 visa is very popular among foreigners who invest and develop a business in the United States. Annually, between 25,000 and 30,000 of these visas are approved. It is estimated that approximately 100,000 businesses are now owned by investors who hold this type of...

Some Facts About the F1 Visa

An F1 visa is a nonimmigrant visa for those who wish to study in the U.S. at a university or college, a high school, a private elementary school, a seminary or a conservatory. Other academic institutions and language teaching programs are also valid. Once you have...

Studying for the Naturalization Test?

During your naturalization interview, a USCIS officer will ask you questions about yourself and your application. You will also have to take an English and civics test. The English test has three parts: reading, writing and conversation. The civics test covers...

What is the Invitation Letter?

In some cases, you can submit your tourist visa application along with an invitation letter. The letter is not mandatory. Some consulates do not even check it. The invitation letter may be written by people with the following immigration status: U.S. citizens,...

11 Common Migration Mistakes

Often, immigrants make mistakes in their procedures with the Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS). These mistakes, which could be easily avoided, could cause them the loss of their legal status or the denial of the papers that they have requested. Today, we guide...

6 Professions with a Future

  Immigrants who arrive in the United States seek better living conditions, and are ready to overcome any kind of difficult situation related to economy, adaptability or stability. Many of them are professionals who would like to perform in the area of ​​their...