
When is enough evidence really enough for an O-1 Visa? The short answer is NEVER. According to new USCIS Draft Request For Evidence templates for O-1 visas, and current adjudications trends, USCIS is currently seeking more information than ever from O-1 visa applicants.

Below are some tips to consider when properly documenting your O1 visa case.

1. Lead or starring role actually means LEAD or STARRING role. The evidence should make it clear that your role is lead or starring and/or the evidence should explain how the beneficiaries role is considered to be leading or starring to the production, event, company etc…this may include letters, flyers, reviews, publicity releases, advertisements, endorsements either online or in printed format.

2. If a role is supporting, an argument can still be made for it being lead or starring. However, the evidence must demonstrate how the supporting role was critical to the outcome of the success of the production.

3. Remember to always include evidence to establish the importance and reputation of the production in which you have performed. This can include, but is not limited to, audience viewership figures, ratings, box office ticket sales, critical reviews, endorsements, publicity releases, and information about the production’s producer or distributor.

4. Press may be actual critical reviews, interviews, articles directly about the beneficiary in print such as major newspapers, trade journals, magazines, or online publications. Wikipedia is not press! Also, the beneficiary should provide sufficient information to establish that the publications major or of high circulation/readership.

5. Letters of recommendation should focus more on the applicant’s achievements, rather than the applicant’s talent. If the letter of recommendation author’s does not extensive online biographies, it is helpful to include his or her resume.

Taking into consideration USCIS recent evidence case evaluation standards, it’s always better to err on the side of providing more quality evidence than less.

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