
Latin American immigration to the United States is a very high one and is increasingly becoming more academically prepared. Most of this immigration is comprised by professionals who own a Master Degree and Postgraduate education, or by business owners of companies of renowned history.

Among the five best Latin American citizenships in the United States of America we have:railway-station-1645356_960_720

Position number one is for Argentinian citizens. Approximately 250,000 Argentinian citizens live in the United States and they do so under good employment conditions and almost no poverty. The states where they have residency are: Florida, California, New York, New Jersey and Texas.

Spanish nationals have the position number two with an annual income of approximately 53,000 USD. This select group lives in their majority in California, Texas, New Mexico, Florida and Colorado. 59% are the owners of their homes.

Position number 3 is occupied by Peruvians. These immigrants live in Florida, California, New Jersey, New York and Virginia. It is estimated that 50% of them are owners of their homes and have an annual income of approximately 50,000 USD.

Position number 4 is occupied by Venezuelans, known as “The Great Professionals.” It is estimated that 51% of immigrants from Venezuela are highly skilled professionals. 48% of them are owners of their homes. The States they live in are: Florida, Texas, New York, California and Virginia.

Lastly, in Ecuadorians are in position number 5. They are known as the Kings of Queens, for being this a location where they dominate in numbers among the Latin American community. It is estimated that the average annual family income is of 48,600 USD

Are you eager to start your road into the United States? At Beltran Brito LLP. we have years of experience in legal counsel for immigrants who want to apply for a work visa or Green Card. Do not hesitate to ask us to solve any doubt.

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