by Adrian Pelaez | Jun 8, 2017 | Uncategorized
Every month there are approximately 170.000 enjoying a J-1 Visa in the United States. What is the J-1 Visa for? This Visa exists to facilitate the entrance to the United States of foreign citizens who will participate in a student or cultural exchange program....
by Adrian Pelaez | Jun 6, 2017 | Sin categorizar
El Master Calendar, es una convocatoria dirigida a inmigrantes, para que asistan a la Corte de Inmigración, a una audiencia preliminar. ¿Qué es una audiencia preliminar en la corte de Inmigración? La Master Calendar tiene lugar cuando un inmigrante recibe la carta que...
by Adrian Pelaez | Jun 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
The Master Calendar Hearing is a summons by which immigrants are called to attend the Immigration Court for a preliminary hearing. What is a preliminary hearing in the Immigration Court? The Master Calendar Hearing takes place when an immigrant receives a Notice to...
by Adrian Pelaez | Jun 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
Every year, a lot of people think about migrating to the United States. However, for your migration experience to be a successful one, you must take into account one of the following points: Being legal makes things easier This is an essential requirement. There are...
by Adrian Pelaez | Jun 3, 2017 | Sin categorizar
Son muchos quienes cada año piensan en emigrar a Estados Unidos. Pero, para que su migración sea exitosa, deben tener en cuenta los siguientes puntos: Tener papeles hace la vida mucho más fácil Este requisito es fundamental. En Estados Unidos existen aproximadamente...