by Adrian Pelaez | Mar 30, 2017 | Green Card
La vida de la mayoría de las personas que se divorcian cambia una vez que finaliza el matrimonio. Sin embargo, si uno de los divorciados aun no es un ciudadano americano, esa persona puede tener que enfrentar retos y pelear por su derecho a permanecer dentro de los...
by Adrian Pelaez | Mar 30, 2017 | Green Card
The life of the majority of people who get a divorce changes once the marriage is over. However, if one of the divorcees is not yet an American citizen, that person may have to face challenges and fight for their right to remain inside of the United States. Usually,...
by Adrian Pelaez | Mar 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
Consular officers of the United States are authorized to grant non-immigrant Visas exclusively to those who qualify under the Law. This Visa may not be granted for several reasons. For example, if you have a criminal record, have lied in your interview or have lived...
by Adrian Pelaez | Mar 28, 2017 | Sin categorizar, Uncategorized
Consular officers of the United States are authorized to grant non-immigrant Visas exclusively to those who qualify under the Law. This Visa may not be granted for several reasons. For example, if you have a criminal record, have lied in your interview or have lived...
by Adrian Pelaez | Mar 28, 2017 | Noticias de Inmigración
Los oficiales consulares de EEUU están autorizados para otorgar visas de no inmigrante exclusivamente a quienes califiquen según la ley. La visa puede ser no aprobada por múltiples razones. Por ejemplo, si usted posee un antecedente criminal, mintió en la entrevista o...