by Adrian Pelaez | Nov 3, 2016 | Immigration News
Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor published a list with more than a dozen occupations that will have a high level of demand in the following years. A good opportunity to build savings and provide your family with a better quality of life. The list shows 23...
by Adrian Pelaez | Oct 31, 2016 | Noticias de Inmigración
Todo aquel que se postule podrá optar por el derecho de vivir y trabajar de forma legal en Estados Unidos, y todo el que desee ganarla tendrá hasta el 7 de Noviembre para inscribirse a través de internet, sólo este medio. En esta oportunidad el Departamento de Estado...
by Adrian Pelaez | Oct 31, 2016 | Immigration News
Until November 7, those interested in participating in the visa lottery may do so through the Internet. This time, the United States Department of State, will draw 50,000 permanent resident visas, also known as “Green Cards”, which allow you to live and...
by Adrian Pelaez | Oct 21, 2016 | Immigration News
Not many people know this, but a tourist visa may be canceled without notice. The causes are varied. Embassies, consulates and immigration authorities can proceed to its cancellation, without warning. Causes: Cancellation of an American visa for overstaying in the...
by Adrian Pelaez | Oct 21, 2016 | Noticias de Inmigración
No muchos lo saben pero la visa de turista puede ser cancelada y sin previo aviso. Las causas, muy variadas. Embajadas, consulados y autoridades migratorias pueden proceder a su cancelación, sin avisar. Causas: Cancelación de la visa americana por permanecer en...