by Adrian Pelaez | Dec 24, 2015 | Immigration News, Sin Categoría, Uncategorized
In the United States, Christmas begins even earlier than for Latinos, since Thanksgiving counts as the first day of the holiday season. Everything is decorated with lots of lights, there are parades and celebrations everywhere, and even Santa Claus walks along the...
by Adrian Pelaez | Dec 22, 2015 | Immigration News, Sin Categoría, Uncategorized
Diabetes is one of the most frequent causes of blindness, kidney failure and amputation in seniors. It is also the main cause of heart disease and strokes. This is why it is important to inform the world population about what diabetes is, how it is prevented and how...
by Adrian Pelaez | Dec 18, 2015 | Immigration News, Sin Categoría, Uncategorized
Do you need a tourist visa? We will show you seven steps to apply successfully: Photo Before beginning the procedure, it is advisable that you have your photograph taken. The photo must be up-to-date, in color, 2×2 inches and its background must be white (without...
by Adrian Pelaez | Dec 16, 2015 | Immigration News, Sin Categoría, Uncategorized
According to official data, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deported 315,943 immigrants in 2014. 98% of them could even be banished from the United States. Every year, something similar happens. The ICE deports millions of immigrants back to their...
by Adrian Pelaez | Dec 14, 2015 | Immigration News, Sin Categoría, Uncategorized
The naturalization test is one of the essential requirements to obtain the U.S. citizenship. This test includes an interview, an English test and a civics test. The latter is the one on which immigrants make the most mistakes, because it is in English and the...
by Adrian Pelaez | Dec 12, 2015 | Immigration News, Sin Categoría, Uncategorized
As we all know, the interview at the U.S. embassy or consulate is key to getting the green card. There are many pieces of advice one can get for this day. Number one is: under no circumstances must you lie. Here are some other tips: 1. Be punctual, but do not...