
It is said that the dog is man’s best friend but actually most of the animals are.

People create valuable links with their pets and when it’s time of making difficult decisions, for example: move to a new country, pets are not excluded from the plan.  Here some important advices


 You have to be sure  if your pet will be able to endure the flight. It might take hours to get to your new house and if your pet was recently sick or have particular habits, the travel can be difficult. Maybe, even when it’s hard to accept it, the best thing you can do it’s find them a place to stay, maybe a family member or a good friend.

Health information:  You must follow the process, take your pet to the doctor and get a proof of health.

Vaccinations must be current and have the necessary. Each country has its rules on this and is better to be informed before you experience a hard time.

Another important thing to pay attention it’s: the Passport

Yes, pets needs a passport. In this passport  will be checked the health of the pet and information about all the necessary vaccines. Get the stamp in the passport with time, at least one week before your travel.

You may not have a passport for your pet, but you can get a signed letter where the health of the pet is certified and the airline can accept it.
Also you have some investigation to do: Airlines. It’s probably that in your country you count on different options for travel, but be sure which is the best for your pet. Make a list of potential airlines and then call them to know what requirements they ask.

Speaking of your new home. Is it pet friendly?

Be sure about it before you move, especially when you are planning to stay in a hotel or with a friend.


Another important issue to consider is where will be the pet while you work or travel? usually spend the day alone?It has habits or schedule of activities? someone else walked your pet before you move to a new country?

Think about it and try to find the best way to make your pet like home.


In case you have a Exotic pet, you must be really carefull, for example bulldogs are controversial and monkeys are not recognized as pets in the U.S.

You have to find information about this in the moment you are planning to move

The best advice we can give is to do everything on time. Do not wait until the last minute, study the rules and follow the procedures, or you will have to get through a  hard separation.

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