by Adrian Pelaez | Jun 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
Every year, a lot of people think about migrating to the United States. However, for your migration experience to be a successful one, you must take into account one of the following points: Being legal makes things easier This is an essential requirement. There are...
by Adrian Pelaez | Jun 3, 2017 | Sin categorizar
Son muchos quienes cada año piensan en emigrar a Estados Unidos. Pero, para que su migración sea exitosa, deben tener en cuenta los siguientes puntos: Tener papeles hace la vida mucho más fácil Este requisito es fundamental. En Estados Unidos existen aproximadamente...
by Adrian Pelaez | Jun 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
In the United States, the fiscal year is the period of time that begins on the 01st of October and ends on the 30th of December of the following year. Contrary to the majority of countries, the fiscal year does not correspond to the natural year. That is, the one that...
by Adrian Pelaez | May 30, 2017 | Sin categorizar, Uncategorized
El asilo político es uno de los diferentes estatus de inmigración que las personas pueden emplear para vivir legalmente en los Estados Unidos. Puede ser solicitado por aquellos individuos quienes presenten un “temor razonable” de persecución por motivos de raza,...
by Adrian Pelaez | May 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
Citizens and permanent residents of the United States can sponsor their family members so that they can obtain a Residency Card. Kinship and age requirements American Citizens can file a petition for their spouse and children (biological or adopted), regardless of...