by Adrian Pelaez | Jul 22, 2017 | Uncategorized
Immigrating to the United States is the dream of many people. This wonderful country looks like the perfect place to start your professional career. Evidently, you could run many risks by doing so, but with the right counseling you can successfully attain the goal of...
by Adrian Pelaez | Jul 20, 2017 | Sin categorizar
Cada año, cientos de inmigrantes aprueban los exámenes que le permiten obtener la naturalización; convertiéndose así, en ciudadanos estadounidenses. Una vez que lo logran, se realizan diversas ceremonias por todo el país para legalizar su nuevo estatus legal y...
by Adrian Pelaez | Jul 18, 2017 | Sin categorizar
Un abogado de inmigración es el aliado perfecto para un inmigrante. Estos profesionales pasan alrededor de 7 u 8 años adquiriendo la experiencia necesaria para brindar una correcta asesoría. Además, conocen profundamente las leyes de inmigración...
by Adrian Pelaez | Jul 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
Studying English as a second language in the United States is an activity undertaken by millions of foreigners every year. This is a great experience that allows you to learn about a new country, exchange with different cultures and to do the most important thing:...
by Adrian Pelaez | Jul 13, 2017 | Sin categorizar, Uncategorized
Before choosing the American city that will become your new home, it is important to be well informed. If you are looking for a place where to start a new business, there are some things that you should take into account – besides just the cost of life. For example,...