
Boletín de visas: ¿Qué es?

El boletín de visas (Visa bulletin), es un informe, publicado mensualmente, por el Departamento de Estado. En él, se indica la fecha de prioridad. Por ésta se entiende, el turno de una persona para recibir la visa de inmigrante, por petición familiar.   Dicha...

Visa Bulletin. What is it?

The Visa Bulletin is a monthly report by the Department of state. In it, a priority date is published. This is understood as a person’s turn to receive a Family Sponsored Visa. Said date corresponds to the date the family made the petition. This petition could have...

Useful Articles About the E-2 Visa

Throughout the year, which is about to come to an end, we have published in our blog interesting articles about the different types of Visa there are to migrate into the United States. Of these, one of the most wanted ones is the E-2 Visa. This Visa is for people who...

Creating a Company in the United States

There are several scenarios for entrepreneurial immigrants. One of these are creating a branch or subsidiary company in the United States if you already have a company that has been incorporated and which is running in the country of origin of the applicant.  In order...