
In order to obtain an American Visa, be it either an Immigrant or a Non-Immigrant one, you will be interviewed at an Embassy or Consulate. There are very few exceptions.

This is usually a short interview. However, depending on the type of Visa, the interview may take some extra minutes. Such is the case of the Visa for investors.

The interview is an essential part of the Visa acquisition process. Thus, it is very important to follow the instructions correctly.

Tips for the American Visa Interview 

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Comply with the attendance rule, which depends on the age of the petitioner 

With very few exceptions, every person between 14 and 79 years of age must appear at the Embassy or Consulate. There they will be interviewed when they file for a Visa for the first time.

However, you will probably not attend the interview to renew it.

You will have to check with the Embassy or Consulate office where you made the application in the case for children. Age rules may vary. It is often the case that your children will have to attend the interview if they are over the age of 6 years old. However, this rule may vary.

Comply with the rules in regards to who can accompany you to the interview 

One of the general and very explicit rules governing the Visa application process is that applicants must appear unaccompanied to the Embassy or Consulate office. Arriving in the company of family members, friends or lawyers is not permitted. There are some exceptions, such as is the case of minors, who must attend accompanied by their parents or legal guardians. It applies to people with special needs, who may go accompanied by a helper.

The presence of an interpreter is also allowed whenever it is deemed necessary (in the case of deaf-mute people, for example). The presence of such personas must be notified in advance in all cases.

Be punctual

You must arrive on time, and it is advisable that you arrive some minutes in advance as to avoid any mishaps. However, you must not overdo it and arrive one hour before the time of the interview.

Respect the security rules of the Embassy or Consulate  

Due to security reasons, visitors to a building of the United States Government must go through a metal detector. It is a checkpoint that is very similar to that used at airports.

Entering these buildings with cellphones and/or electronic appliances is forbidden. Likewise, carrying weapons of any kind or gadgets that could be used in a similar fashion is forbidden. Bags, luggage, boxes and briefcases are also forbidden.


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