Pierre Molinier -- Die Fetische der Travestie: Photografische Arbeiten 1965-1975 ポストカード2枚付きFirst edition, first printing. Soft cover. Black wrappers with title printed in pink on cover and spine; no dust jacket as issued. Photographs, paintings and text (in German) by Pierre Molinier. Essays (in German) by Peter Gorsen and Hanel Koeck. Includes a biography, bibliography and exhibition checklist (in German). Designed by Astrid Gmeiner. 120 pp., with 33 black-and-white plates and numerous additional illustrations finely printed on heavy matt paper by Dellerfuhs, Vienna. 10-7/8 x 7-3/4 inches. Published on the occasion of an exhibition at Galerie Faber, Vienna.
Pierre Molinier -- Die Fetische der Travestie: Photografische Arbeiten 1965-1975 ポストカード2枚付きFirst edition, first printing. Soft cover. Black wrappers with title printed in pink on cover and spine; no dust jacket as issued. Photographs, paintings and text (in German) by Pierre Molinier. Essays (in German) by Peter Gorsen and Hanel Koeck. Includes a biography, bibliography and exhibition checklist (in German). Designed by Astrid Gmeiner. 120 pp., with 33 black-and-white plates and numerous additional illustrations finely printed on heavy matt paper by Dellerfuhs, Vienna. 10-7/8 x 7-3/4 inches. Published on the occasion of an exhibition at Galerie Faber, Vienna.
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