ジャンル(ミニカー)···車素材···金属スケール···1/18McLaren 12C GT3 race car is based on their popular road goingmodel, the MP4-12C. The McLaren 12C GT3 comes with severalupdates. For the first time the McLaren is available for global competition and for collectors and non-race users.As was confirmed at the close of 2012, McLaren GT will producefurther examples of the 12C GT3 available to compete in the 2018season. These new models are eligible for all GT3 championshipsand, for the first time, 12C GT3 available for global competion.The 2012 season saw the 12C GT3 take part in 80 separale-etvents, and this was converted into 19 viciories and a futer/®podium finishes for the 13 McLaren GT customerteams-remarkable achievement for the car making its competitive debut.発送前に消毒させていただきますよろしくお願いいたします
ジャンル(ミニカー)···車素材···金属スケール···1/18McLaren 12C GT3 race car is based on their popular road goingmodel, the MP4-12C. The McLaren 12C GT3 comes with severalupdates. For the first time the McLaren is available for global competition and for collectors and non-race users.As was confirmed at the close of 2012, McLaren GT will producefurther examples of the 12C GT3 available to compete in the 2018season. These new models are eligible for all GT3 championshipsand, for the first time, 12C GT3 available for global competion.The 2012 season saw the 12C GT3 take part in 80 separale-etvents, and this was converted into 19 viciories and a futer/®podium finishes for the 13 McLaren GT customerteams-remarkable achievement for the car making its competitive debut.発送前に消毒させていただきますよろしくお願いいたします
【未開封】ご当地キティ 大阪限定 根付け(訳あり含む)12点セット
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ナーフ NERF エリート タイタン CS-50
鬼滅の刃 ランダム蓄光ゆらゆらチャーム 新品 未開封 10点A 9種 ハロウィン
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